An Introduction

The New American Union is a community-oriented organization focused on the creation of our Ideal Community, by building it through the best means available to us, for ourselves and our families.

In our quest for Self-Determination, the New American Union rejects the annihilation of races and nations by the efforts of globalism and international finance. All we want is for our people to be left alone in the nations and communities we've founded. We reject the false song of Globalism, and wish well to those who are willing to leave us be as a people in our Ideal Community.


Our Goals

We seek various goals; Mainly the improvement and rebuilding of existing rural communities and the establishment of new communitites away from the corrupting influence of modern society, and it's lack of proper morality and decadence. We also seek the preservation of the agricultural way of life, as The Farmer is the source of our nation's food supply. They should be revered for their work in feeding the nation, not the profits one can squeeze from them.


Our Network

Associates, Guests, and Our Projects.


Our Archive

Our curated and hand selected pdf archive of books that we believe all Americans should own.


A summary of our beliefs

If you have any more questions, please, look about our site.

We believe in private property & free enterprise.

A nation cannot grow and prosper if the common man can't keep the fruits of his labor, but a company cannot monopolize an industry or corner markets and trample upon the working class. Our Ideal Community would limit Multinational Corporate entanglement within it to ensure proper economic health of our Community.

We believe in proper social justice.

A nation can't properly run if it has people at the top squeezing and exploiting the lower members of our society, be it through fees, taxes, imprisonment, etc. However, Cancel Culture must not be allowed to ruin lives and livelyhoods. People must be allowed the oppurtunity of a second chance. Therefore, our communities will be safehavens for those whose livelyhoods have been ruined by the bane of modern mob rule, away from said mob.

We believe in the application of science to, and for the benefit of, humanity.

We believe the application of science to humanity will not only improve the quality of life of mankind, but also make protecting & making our eventual expansion beyond Earth far easier.

We want to build & Protect our Ideal Community while leaving others to create theirs.

We are Americans. We highly respect those who make strides to preserve their own heritage and culture. We kindly ask that we recieve the same respect as we aim to create communities in our ideal image while preserving our own cultural heritage.

We wish for our future Ideal Community to throw off the chains of debt slavery.

In the New American Union, we we believe our community should be debt free and free from the bonds of usury. We believe our members should assist each other in any way they can to help alleviate the pressure of financial struggles caused by debt. This, however, would not be a free meal ticket, as the person recieving help would need to repay the community by improving it in some way.

We believe in the security and safety of all of our Community Members.

We believe our Ideal Community is best protected when every member is armed and ready to defend it with their life. Be it protecting livestock from animals or families from outside threats, protection of the home and property is the number one use for a firearm, no matter the type.